Friday, August 11, 2017


What can I say about this drug? It is the drug from hell! Topiramate is the generic version of Topamax. It is used to treat seizures and migraines. Basically it decreases "excitement" in the brain. What could possibly go wrong with a drug that was originally used to treat seizures right? She had me at the added perk of it curbing your appetite and losing weight. Double bonus! I was elated to try this medication! Day one the cotton mouth was there but I just assumed it was the Imipramine still active in my body so no big deal. The next day I was extremely tired but it was the weekend so I could sleep all day. Day 3 the dry mouth was still there and I was feeling fuzzy in my head. I felt like I had been drinking and I bumped into a lot of things leaving bruises. I was now constipated and had to take magnesium citrate. I could not sleep because my extremities were making an uncontrollable jerking movements. Food had no taste (which explains why people lose weight) and I could barely look at it never mind eat it. I messaged my Doctor and she insisted I give it more time because side effects tend to subside. Day 5 is where it got scary! I started forgetting things especially words! My children thought I was losing it! Simple words took me what seemed forever to find. My performance at work started to suffer. Still I pressed on remembering what my Neurologist said. They will go away. Day 7 I folded and took myself off of it. I absolutely could not function on this medication. I decided to give up and go back to popping excedrin  migraine again. I also ordered a book called "Heal Your Headache." I posted a picture of it on the right side of this blog and if you click it, it will bring you to it. I jumped right to the triggers part of the book and then tossed it aside because there was no way I was giving up my favorite foods (I told you I am stubborn). For the next 7 months I suffered the same fate of sinus infections/migraines (still holding onto the sinus infections at this point). I end up taking round after round of antibiotics and prednisone again. Then December rolled around and the nightmare really began! Next up: My trips to the emergency room.

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