Friday, August 11, 2017


Woo hoo finally I was approved for Botox! I could not help but feel excited and extremely nervous at the same time. Yes I googled all the side effects so let's just say I was kind of hesitant and quite frankly freaking out because it is a poison that is injected into your skin. If it spreads you could have serious side effects and yes die. Needless to say I pushed through my fears and had the injections. The day I went in I felt pretty good. I had a faint headache on a scale of 1-10 I would say a 2. The injections were quick and painless and I was out within 20 minutes. I read somewhere to take ibuprofen after so I did. I felt pretty good until that evening when I was a little tender where she injected the Botox. The next day I woke up with a full blown migraine. Then the sinus pressure began and I could hardly stand it. I felt nauseous and dizzy. Two days later I had a fever. I had an appointment scheduled with my PCP in a few days so I decided to wait it out. I still had the fever when I made it to my appointment and he put me on prednisone and an antibiotic. Five days into the treatment my fever was still raging and I contacted my PCP. He put me on Levaquin this time. I did contact my Neurologist who insisted there was no connection between the Botox and these symptoms. After some quick research online I realized that I was not the only one who has had these side effects. My ears felt clogged, sinus pain/pressure, fever, achiness, dizziness and nausea. The fever lasted 15 days until finally breaking. The Levaquin seemed to kick what ever it was out. I was so scared and decided to not go through with the next injections. I made the decision to finally pick up the book I had tossed aside so many times and really read it this time and apply the diet. I had finally had enough and decided to take it into my own hands. This whole time I had been treating the symptoms and not the underlying cause. Next up: The Headache Cure

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