Friday, August 11, 2017


Cymbalta is another antidepressant used to prevent migraines. I felt ok the first day but after that I felt "disconnected." I walked through my day as a zombie in a sense of not feeling like I was in my body at all. I had constipation and my blood pressure and pulse went through the roof again. After about 3 weeks we decided to slowly taper off of it. I was at 60 mg by then so the taper had to be slow. Our last resort was Botox. My insurance finally approved a trial run of 2. I was excited and nervous at the same time. I did fall into old habits of taking Excedrin again as well as Fioricet (a prescription med for relief of migraines). I was also taking Relpax for my more severe migraines. For my anxiety attacks I was taking Ativan which is an addictive drug if you are not careful. Next up: Botox.

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