Tuesday, July 25, 2017

The Sinus Infection/The beginning

My Journey with migraines began years ago although I did not know it at the time as they were given the name "Sinus Infections." Since college I had been suffering from these sinus infections around 6-8 times a year. The usual prescriptions were given, antibiotics and prednisone. After a full course I would feel better and then at times I would need several different antibiotics back to back and a few times I had been on them for 6 weeks at a time. I worked with small children so naturally I assumed that being around so many illnesses during the year I would be sick. In addition to these episodes I also have allergies to the common allergens, pollen, dust, ragweed etc. I assumed they had contributed to the inflammation of the sinus cavities. I began allergy shots shortly after I was married in 2001 yet I still suffered from these recurrent "sinus infections" year after year. One day while at the allergist for a normal routine check up I was feeling horrid. She looked at me and once again prescribed antibiotics and steroids. After about a week I still felt terrible and she told me to come in. As I sat there in frustration with this pain in my sinuses she asked me how many times a year I have been suffering with these infections. I was so embarrassed to admit it was 6 to now 10 times a year. I sometimes would go to Urgent Care and other times my PCP. It depended on the immediate need. She asked me if I took over the counter pain killers and of course I did! I was taking Tylenol up to 4 times a day. She examined me again and told me that she will not be prescribing anymore antibiotics that I needed to see an ENT (ear, nose & throat Doctor). She referred me to one in the area. I left defeated and made my way to Urgent Care for my usual "bandaid" to get me through work the next few weeks. It seemed to be a hassle to have to go see another Doctor for the same thing. I honestly felt like the allergist should have been able to "cure" me. Not the case unfortunately as something much more sinister was going on. I proceeded to Urgent Care and wouldn't you know the Doctor there flipped through my chart and suggested the same as the Allergist? The nerve!! He did appease me and give me a stronger antibiotic so I felt somewhat triumph that day.

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